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Keep the Flame Alive

Jun 29, 2023

So much has been happening in the world of the Olympics that this week we're catching up on all of the news. We start with the continued saga of boxing and the International Boxing Association (IBA) vs. the International Olympic Committee (IOC). 

We then take a look at the IOC's eSports Week, which was held in Singapore...

Jun 23, 2023

This week we're going back to the Munich 1972 Olympics and the massacre that happened there. Author Warren Perrin knew David Berger, the Israeli weightlifter, and he recently wrote a book called The Weight of History, the Power of Apology: Remembering Lifter David Berger 50 Years after the Munich Olympics to...

Jun 15, 2023

We're excited to have Craig Spence, chief brand and communication officer of the International Paralympic Committee, back on the show with us. In part 2 of his interview, we learn the latest on the situation with Russia and Belarus, and we also learn what keeps Craig up at night (sadly, it might be us at...

Jun 9, 2023

Book Club Claire is back to discuss a memoir we've been excited to read: The Hard Parts: A Memoir of Courage and Triumph (affiliate link) by Oksana Masters, a 6x Paralympian who is one of the major faces of Team USA. Will this book live up to our expectations?

Don't forget to follow Claire on Twitter! She's a...

Jun 1, 2023

Craig Spence, Chief Brand and Communications Officer at International Paralympic Committee, joins us to discuss the IPC's new strategic plan--or at least some of it. Plus, we get into how the IPC is different from the International Olympic Committee, what goes into revamping the classification system and the making of...