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Keep the Flame Alive

Jul 20, 2023

Are you ready for surface talk?! This week we're joined by Paul Kamphuis, general manager at Polytan Asia Pacific, to talk about hockey turf. Paul tells us how the surface is made, why it's watered, and he's got a job Jill would like to do come Games time.

Coincidentally this week was also Hockey Turf Day, so we hoped you celebrated appropriately. If you haven't, watch "The Surface," a really interesting documentary about the evolution of hockey turf. The "Smurf Turf," as it was nicknamed, debuted at the London 2012 Olympics. Paul's got the details on how the iconic blue and pink look came about.

Follow Paul on LinkedIn and visit Polytan's and Poligras' websites to learn more!

In our Seoul 1988 history moment, Jill looks at the taekwondo competition, one of the many demonstration sports on the Olympic program, and the remarkable men's heavyweight weight class, featuring American Jimmy Kim.

In our visit to TKFLASTAN, we have news from:

In Paris 2024 news, the International Olympic Committee says it will not formally invite Russia and Belarus to next year's Games. Surely there are loopholes though. Also, the Organizing Committee's budget is apparently in good shape, and there was a test event of the Opening Ceremonies parade on the Seine.

Next year France will host a replay of the 1924 Olympic regatta that will feature boats no longer on the Olympic program. You can find out more information about the May and June 2024 events here. No word on how difficult it will be to get the same results as the original competition.

And, surprise, surprise, France wants to host for the 2030 Winter Games. Alison has thoughts about another city competing against Stockholm.

For a transcript of this episode, please visit

Thanks so much for listening, and until next time, keep the flame alive!

Photo courtesy of Paul Kamphuis.



 Keep the Flame Alive: The Podcast for Fans of the Olympics and Paralympics with hosts Jill Jaracz & Alison Brown

Intern: Annalee Deabel


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