Oct 22, 2021
All of our TKFLASTANIS are very dear to us, but Citizen #1 will have a special place in our hearts. Bobsledder Josh Williamson, winner of the first season of Team USA's "The Next Olympic Hopeful" was our first interviewee, and now he returns, on the cusp of fulfilling his "Next Olympic Hopeful" goals and making it to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
We catch up with Josh and learn how he's approaching this season, what it's like to become a veteran in the sport, and what the bobsled track at Beijing is like (POV video here). Follow Josh on Twitter and Insta
In our history moment on Atlanta 1996, Alison dives into maybe the most controversial phrase that came out of Juan Antonio Samaranch's mouth during the Games.
Also on tap, we've got news from TKFLASTAN, including updates on Evan Dunfee, Dawn Harper Nelson, Connor Fields and Stephanie Roble.
In our Beijing 2022 update, the Olympic Flame is officially lit and has traveled to Beijing, though not without controversy. The Torch Relay, of which there are few details, includes the inspiring slogan "Health, Joy and Energy." Alison is not impressed by Jill's attempts to spruce that up.
And we have news from Milan-Cortina 2026, in which we are completely unsurprised to learn of venue changes due to cost containment needs. The Games aren't even for another 4+ years, but maybe it's a good thing that they've figured this out now.
Thanks so much for listening, and until next time, keep the flame alive!
PHOTO: Courtesy of Josh Williamson
Keep the Flame Alive: The Podcast for Fans of the Olympics and Paralympics with hosts Jill Jaracz & Alison Brown
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