Jul 9, 2020
We welcome back our TKFLASTANI travel expert Ken Hanscom, COO of Ticket Manager, who tells us the latest on how to make plans to travel to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in 2021.
Follow Ken on Twitter and Insta. Follow Ticket Manager on Twitter.
We also have a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT about our plans to celebrate one year to Tokyo 2020 on July 24! Look for more details on our Insta, Twitter, Facebook Page and Facebook Group this week!
Our TKFLASTANIs have been on a bunch of podcasts and in documentaries. Here are the links to the ones we mentioned on the show:
Love the show? Keep our flame alive! Support the show by donating through Patreon. If you're interested in advertising on the show, leave us a VM at 208-FLAME-IT (you can also leave us a VM if you just want to say hi!).
Thanks so much for listening, and until next time, keep the flame alive!
Keep the Flame Alive: The Olympics and
Paralympics Fan Podcast with hosts Jill Jaracz & Alison Brown. New
episodes released every week and daily during the Olympics and
Paralympics. Also look for our monthly Games History Moment
episodes in your feed.
Support the show: http://flamealivepod.com/support
Bookshop.org store: https://bookshop.org/shop/flamealivepod
Hang out with us online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/flamealivepod
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