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Keep the Flame Alive

Apr 2, 2020

Today we're learning what the Olympics are like from a National Governing Body (NGB) point of view. Phil Andrews, CEO of USA Weightlifting joins us to talk about what his NGB does for its elite, Olympic-bound athletes, as well as for its clubs, coaches and other athlete members. We also talk about drug testing in the...

Sep 19, 2019

It's Week 2 of Olympic weightlifting, and this time we're looking at it from the perspective of an official. Dan Kent, The People's Publisher from Weightlifting House, joins us to tell us what the technical officials and referees look for during competition.

You can find The People's Publisher at Weightlifting...

Sep 12, 2019

Jill and Alison are back from a weekend in Boston at the Olympin Collectors' Show! They scored some deals on pins and memorabilia (keep an eye on our Insta and Twitter feeds for pics) and saw some of our favorite Olympic fans from episode 5. It was a great time -- and we got a great interview with a Games Maker that...